As construction professionals, it is our job to preserve the environment and keep the world extraordinary for future generations. Zachry embraces methods and technologies that increase sustainability, reduce waste, and improve efficiency for the benefit of all.

We reduce our impact on the environment in all facets of our operations. Strategies include using value engineering to reduce material consumption, source materials locally to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, precast concrete, bridge beams, and deck panels near the project using our own pugmills and concrete plants. We use recycled products, and minimize construction emissions by using emissions controls on core equipment that meet higher EPA Tier II and IV standards to reduce our carbon footprint through elimination of energy to create and move material.
We take advantage of opportunities to reuse any sound materials available like concrete, asphalt, metal, and rebar on the structures we build. We lower emissions by reducing the number of shipments to the site which eases landfill congestion. We also use recycled water for soil conditioning and dust control to lead the way in water conservation efforts.

Zachry encourages and incentivizes organic ideas from team members through the Innovative and Quality Award Program. Team members continuously envision new products and processes that reduce waste and improve efficiency. Innovations help us complete projects faster which benefits the environment, our clients, and the public at large.