The scope of this project involved reconstruction of Loop 12 and SH 114. Loop 12 portion of the project is 0.95 miles and consists of reconstruction a six lane freeway and adding capacity for future HOV/managed lanes and frontage roads. The SH 114 portion of the project is 1.85 miles and consists of widening four lanes to an eight-lane freeway, adding two reversible HOV/managed lanes for future use, and frontage roads. Two Direct Connector Ramps were also built between SH114 and Loop 12.
Quantities included 1.4 million CY of excavation; 608,000 CY of embankment, over 392,000 SY of concrete pavement. Construction accommodated the DART Orange Line extension and included the construction of a freight rail bridge for TRE. Construction consisted of clearing and grubbing, site mass grading, sub-grade preparation, water lines and fittings, fire hydrant installation, sanitary sewer collection lines, sanitary manholes, concrete pavement, asphalt pavement, underground drainage facilities, communication duct banks, temporary contractor facilities, contractor staging areas, temporary owner office trailers, sidewalks and ramps, demolition work, electrical distribution duct banks and wiring, street and highway lighting, highway overpass structures, approach roads, highway exit and entrance ramps, street and highway striping, underground sleeving and conduit, traffic controls, and SWPPP installations and maintenance.